Iran threatens political prisoners with a repeat of the 1988 massacre if prison secrets are revealed.

Political prisoners are trying to express the injustice and oppression of that unjust government to them, but Iran is trying to silence them in all possible ways, even if it is by cutting off the internet from the whole country. His 1988 massacre should not be forgotten despite Iran's attempts to do so.

These threats and interrogation were implemented after these political prisoners have issued a statement about the regime’s presidential election and condemned the presidency of the ‘Tehran’s Butcher’ Ebrahim Raisi, who is one of the main perpetrators of the 1988 massacre.

One of these threatened women is the 20-year-old Parsto Moeini. The interrogator warned her that the “conditions of 1988 may be repeated.”

“Even if we do not execute you, we will do something that you beg to be executed,” he said in another part of his threat.

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