A Houthi leader in Ibb expels a school principal and her colleagues and threatens to replace them.

Ibb Governorate

 The recent incident involving a leader in the Houthi militia expelling a school directorate in Ibb Governorate has raised concerns about the state of education in Yemen. This incident occurred against the backdrop of a teachers' strike, further exacerbating the already fragile educational system in the country. Educational sources have reported that the Houthi leader, Muhammad Dirham Al-Ghazali, impersonated the director of the Education Office in Ibb Governorate and visited Al-Zahraa School for Girls. During his visit, Al-Ghazali expelled the school principal for her absence from a meeting he held with the teachers, his deputy, and the Houthi supervisor in the directorate to address the ongoing strike.

The expulsion of the school principal highlights the authoritarian nature of the Houthi militia and their disregard for the principles of education. By impersonating the director of the Education Office, Al-Ghazali abused his power and demonstrated a lack of respect for the educational institution and its staff. This incident not only undermines the authority of the school principal but also sends a chilling message to other educators who may be considering participating in the teachers' strike.

The teachers' strike itself is a reflection of the dire conditions faced by educators in Yemen. Teachers have been protesting for better working conditions, higher salaries, and improved resources for years. The strike is a desperate attempt to draw attention to the deteriorating state of education in the country and the neglect of the government in addressing these issues. However, the expulsion of the school principal by a Houthi leader further complicates the situation and adds another layer of fear and intimidation for teachers who are already struggling to make ends meet.

The incident in Ibb Governorate is not an isolated event but rather a symptom of a larger problem within the Houthi militia and their control over education. The Houthi leadership's interference in the educational system undermines the autonomy of schools and hinders the ability of educators to provide quality education to their students. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by educators in Yemen and the urgent need for international support to address these issues.

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