In light of the continuing kidnapping campaigns, the Houthi militia is seeking to create a new central prison in Ibb governorate

New central prison

 The Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen has recently announced its intention to construct a new central prison in Ibb Governorate. This decision comes in light of the ongoing kidnapping campaigns against the people of the governorate. The governor of the militia in Ibb, Abdul Hameed Al-Moayyed, along with Abdul-Wahid Salah, a prominent Houthi military and security leader, have been actively involved in this endeavor. The primary objective of this new prison is to accommodate the large number of abductees who are currently overcrowding the existing prisons. These abductions are a direct consequence of the Houthi militia's relentless campaign against opponents of the coup. Moreover, the expansion of popular resistance against the militia in Ibb Governorate has further necessitated the establishment of this new facility.

The Houthi militia's decision to build a new central prison in Ibb Governorate is a clear indication of their continued disregard for human rights and the rule of law. The ongoing kidnapping campaigns against the people of the governorate have caused immense suffering and instability in the region. By constructing a new prison, the Houthi militia aims to consolidate their control over the abductees and suppress any opposition to their rule. This move is a blatant violation of international humanitarian law and further highlights the militia's oppressive tactics. 

The overcrowding of existing prisons in Ibb Governorate is a direct result of the Houthi militia's systematic campaign of abductions. The abductees, who are primarily opponents of the coup, are subjected to inhumane conditions and denied their basic rights. The establishment of a new central prison is an attempt by the Houthi militia to address this issue and absorb the growing number of abductees. However, it is important to note that this move does not address the root cause of the problem, which is the militia's unlawful and arbitrary abductions.

The expansion of popular rejection of the Houthi militia in Ibb Governorate has further fueled the need for a new central prison. The people of the governorate have been actively resisting the militia's oppressive rule and demanding their rights and freedoms. The establishment of a new prison is a strategic move by the Houthi militia to suppress this resistance and maintain their control over the region. However, it is crucial for the international community to support the people of Ibb Governorate in their struggle for freedom and justice, and to hold the Houthi militia accountable for their violations of human rights.

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