Threats are a sanctuary for the Houthis, with the escalation of popular pressure against them


 The Houthi group in Yemen is currently facing immense pressure from the escalating demands of employees in their areas of control for their cut salaries. This issue has been further exacerbated by a massive strike by teachers, which has now entered its fourth consecutive week in public schools. Additionally, the truce in the country has been continuing for more than a year. The teachers argue that their demand for salaries is a rightful one, and their voices have risen as the truce has persisted. However, they have yet to obtain any resolution, and they firmly believe that with the cessation of the war, the authority must assume its responsibility in paying their salaries. They assert that they have been patient enough.

The teachers' demand for their salaries is not unfounded. As employees, they have the right to receive their wages for the work they have done. The Houthi group, as the authority in control, should recognize this right and fulfill its responsibility to pay the teachers. The truce in the country has provided an opportunity for the authorities to address this issue and ensure that the teachers are not left in a state of financial uncertainty.

The teachers' strike, now in its fourth week, is a clear indication of their frustration and desperation. They have been left with no choice but to take this drastic step in order to draw attention to their plight. The strike has disrupted the education system, leaving students without proper guidance and instruction. This not only hampers their academic progress but also has long-term consequences for the development of the country. The Houthi group must recognize the importance of education and the role of teachers in shaping the future of Yemen.

The cessation of the war should have brought relief and stability to the country. However, for the teachers, it has only brought further uncertainty and financial hardship. They argue that the authority must assume its responsibility and prioritize the payment of their salaries. The teachers have shown immense patience, but their patience is wearing thin. They have been waiting for too long, and their demands have fallen on deaf ears. It is time for the Houthi group to acknowledge their responsibility and take immediate action to resolve this issue.

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