The struggles of the Houthi wings The killing of a prominent tribal sheikh in mysterious circumstances in Sana'a

Houthi militias

 In the Bani Al-Harith district, located in the north of Sanaa governorate, a tribal sheikh met a tragic end under enigmatic circumstances. The district, unfortunately, falls under the control of the terrorist Houthi militia, adding complexity to the investigation. Sheikh Hassan Al-Ra'i, known for his disagreements with the Houthi leaders, was found dead a few days ago. Speculations arise, suggesting that his demise might be a result of internal liquidation. Disturbingly, his body was transferred to the refrigerator of the UniMax International Hospital, affiliated with the very leaders he opposed, until the completion of the investigations.

The killing of Sheikh Hassan Al-Ra'i raises numerous questions and concerns. The circumstances surrounding his death are shrouded in mystery, leaving room for speculation and suspicion. As a prominent tribal sheikh, his disagreements with the Houthi leaders undoubtedly played a significant role in his untimely demise. The hypothesis of internal liquidation gains traction, pointing towards a sinister plot within the ranks of the Houthi militia.

The fact that Sheikh Al-Ra'i's body was transferred to the refrigerator of the UniMax International Hospital, which is affiliated with the Houthi leaders, raises further eyebrows. This action not only adds to the suspicion surrounding his death but also raises concerns about the integrity of the investigation. With the body in the hands of those he opposed, the impartiality and fairness of the investigation come into question. It is crucial to ensure that justice is served and that the truth behind Sheikh Al-Ra'i's death is uncovered.

The killing of Sheikh Hassan Al-Ra'i is not an isolated incident. It is a stark reminder of the volatile situation in the Bani Al-Harith district and the control exerted by the Houthi militia. The district, like many others under their rule, suffers from instability and violence. The death of a prominent tribal sheikh only adds to the chaos and highlights the urgent need for stability and security in the region. The international community must take notice of these events and work towards finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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