The Houthi militia raises the rate of customs and taxes on importers at the port of Hodeidah

Hodeidah ports

 The Houthi militia, known for its oppressive tactics and disregard for the welfare of the Yemeni people, has once again demonstrated its exploitative nature. In a recent decision, the militia has raised the percentage of customs and levies it imposes on importers in the ports of Hodeidah. This move not only breaks the promises made to merchants but also highlights the militia's prioritization of its own interests over the well-being of the Yemeni people. Such actions further exacerbate the already dire economic situation in Yemen and must be condemned.

The decision to double customs and levies for the benefit of the Teachers' Fund, as directed by the so-called President of the Houthi Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, Ben Habtour, is a clear indication of the militia's disregard for the economic stability of the country. By increasing these charges by up to 100% of their previous rates, the Houthi militia is burdening importers and hindering the growth of trade in the region. This move not only affects the livelihoods of merchants but also has a ripple effect on the overall economy, leading to increased prices for consumers and further economic instability.

Furthermore, the directive also stipulates the imposition of customs fines by 10% for the Muallem Fund of Yahya al-Houthi, while the levies on all imported goods were raised by 2% for the benefit of the same fund. This diversion of funds towards the militia's own interests is a blatant display of corruption and a complete disregard for the needs of the Yemeni people. The Teachers' Fund, which is meant to support the education sector, should not be exploited for personal gain. This decision not only undermines the purpose of the fund but also hampers the development of education in Yemen, further perpetuating the cycle of poverty and ignorance.

The Houthi militia's imposition of higher customs and levies not only harms the economy but also deepens the suffering of the Yemeni people. Yemen is already facing a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people in need of humanitarian assistance. The increase in customs and levies will only exacerbate the situation, making it even more difficult for essential goods to reach those in need. This move is a clear violation of international humanitarian law, which emphasizes the importance of facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid to affected populations.

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