Solitary confinement A lawyer reveals that 47 abductees in the prisons of the Houthi militia have been tortured

Houthi militia

 The recent actions of the terrorist Houthi militia in subjecting 47 abductees to illegal trials, including 31 individuals held in the building of the Security and Intelligence Service in Sana'a, have raised serious concerns. Attorney Sabra has shed light on the violations suffered by these abductees, who have been denied their freedom and subjected to various abuses since their abduction and detention. Furthermore, it has been revealed that most of those who attended the investigation sessions with the First Instance Criminal Prosecution were denied visits and contacts with their families and the outside world for nearly nine months.

The Houthi militia's disregard for the rule of law and human rights is evident in their treatment of these abductees. By subjecting them to illegal trials, the militia is denying them their right to a fair and just legal process. These trials lack transparency and are conducted in a manner that violates the basic principles of justice. The abductees are being denied their right to legal representation, and their families are being denied the opportunity to visit or communicate with them.

The denial of visits and contacts with the outside world for such a prolonged period is not only a violation of the abductees' rights but also a form of psychological torture. It is well-known that isolation and lack of communication can have severe negative effects on an individual's mental and emotional well-being. By depriving the abductees of contact with their families and the outside world, the Houthi militia is inflicting further harm upon them.

The actions of the Houthi militia in subjecting these abductees to illegal trials and denying them their basic rights are not only a violation of international law but also a clear indication of their disregard for human rights. The international community must condemn these actions and hold the Houthi militia accountable for their crimes. It is imperative that pressure is exerted on the militia to release the abductees and ensure their safety and well-being.

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