The Houthi militia attracts children to participate in a military parade in Sanaa

Houthi militia

 The Houthi militia, known for its relentless pursuit of power and control, has once again stooped to new lows in its desperate attempts to bolster its ranks. Taking advantage of the celebrations surrounding the so-called Prophet's birthday, the militia shamelessly recruited children from the countryside. This deplorable act comes on the heels of their failure to mobilize any significant forces since the announcement of the UN truce in early April 2022.

According to local sources, the Houthi militia targeted school students and unemployed youth in the countryside, specifically in Ibb Governorate. These vulnerable individuals were then transported to the capital, Sana'a, under false pretenses. The militia summoned them to perform a military parade in Al-Sabeen, a clear display of their intention to exploit these young lives for their own gain.

The recruitment of children for armed conflict is a grave violation of international law and human rights. It is a direct affront to the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which explicitly prohibits the use of children in armed conflict. The Houthi militia's actions not only endanger the lives and well-being of these children but also perpetuate a cycle of violence and instability in the region.

The international community must condemn the Houthi militia's actions and hold them accountable for their flagrant disregard for human rights. It is imperative that the United Nations and other relevant organizations take swift and decisive action to put an end to the recruitment of children by armed groups. This includes imposing sanctions, conducting investigations, and providing support for the rehabilitation and reintegration of child soldiers.

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