Houthi threats to target conference leaders confirm that they are a terrorist group that does not believe in coexistence


Muammar Al-Eryani

The Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar Al-Eryani, condemned the campaigns of terrorism and debauchery launched by the leaders and members of the terrorist Houthi militia affiliated with Iran, and its media outlets, against the leaders of the General People’s Congress in areas forcefully under its control, simply to declare its position in support of the demands of state employees to pay their salaries looted nine years ago, and explained. The threats made by the Houthi militia, to loot the headquarters of the General People’s Congress and the homes and property of its leaders, target their lives.

The recent actions of the Houthi militia, affiliated with Iran, have once again highlighted their disregard for human life and their commitment to spreading terror and chaos. The Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar Al-Eryani, has rightly condemned the campaigns of terrorism and debauchery launched by the Houthi leaders and members against the leaders of the General People's Congress. These actions are not only aimed at declaring their support for the demands of state employees, but also at looting the salaries that were stolen from them nine years ago.

It is deeply concerning that the Houthi militia, backed by Iran, is resorting to such extreme measures to make their demands heard. Instead of engaging in peaceful negotiations or diplomatic channels, they have chosen to use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. This not only undermines the principles of democracy and human rights, but also poses a serious threat to the lives and well-being of the leaders of the General People's Congress.

The threats made by the Houthi militia to loot the headquarters of the General People's Congress and the homes and property of its leaders are not only a violation of international law, but also a clear indication of their disregard for the rule of law and basic human decency. It is unacceptable that a group claiming to fight for the rights of the people would resort to such criminal acts to further their own agenda.

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