The Houthis impose new taxes on customs and various taxes in areas under their control


 The Houthi group, currently in control of certain areas, has recently approved new levies on customs and taxes. This decision comes at a time when the living conditions of citizens are already collapsing. The sources have revealed that these levies, imposed on merchants, have been endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry appointed by the group. This move follows the storming of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Sanaa two months ago and the subsequent coup against its leadership by force of arms. Such actions by the Houthis not only exacerbate the already dire economic situation but also raise concerns about their governance and the well-being of the people they claim to represent.

The imposition of new levies and taxes by the Houthis is a clear indication of their disregard for the economic hardships faced by the people. The collapse of citizens' living conditions is a result of various factors, including the ongoing conflict and the mismanagement of resources. Instead of addressing these issues and working towards improving the lives of the people, the Houthis have chosen to burden them further with additional financial obligations. This not only hampers economic growth but also deepens the suffering of the already vulnerable population.

The approval of these levies by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry appointed by the Houthi group raises questions about the legitimacy and independence of this institution. The storming of the Chamber's headquarters and the subsequent coup against its leadership indicate a blatant disregard for democratic processes and the rule of law. By forcefully taking control of the Chamber, the Houthis have effectively silenced any opposition or dissenting voices within the business community. This not only undermines the principles of a free market but also stifles economic growth and development.

The imposition of new levies and taxes on merchants also has far-reaching consequences for the overall economy. Small and medium-sized businesses, which are the backbone of any economy, are particularly vulnerable to such measures. These levies place an additional burden on already struggling businesses, making it even more difficult for them to survive and thrive. This, in turn, leads to job losses, reduced investment, and a decline in economic activity. The long-term implications of such policies are detrimental to the overall well-being of the country and its people.

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