Starving and impoverishing the Houthis' policy is to bring Yemenis to their knees

The goal of the Houthis' programme of starvation and poverty is to reduce Yemenis to submission.

 The Houthi Militias Subjugating Yemen through Ignorance, Starvation, and Impoverishment

The Houthi militias have been relentless in their pursuit to establish their rule in Yemen. Their strategy revolves around subjugating the citizens and robbing them of their will. They believe that by keeping the Yemeni society ignorant, poor, and hungry, they can easily control and manipulate them. This approach is evident in their deliberate policies of ignorance, starvation, and impoverishment.

Since the Houthi militias seized power in Yemen over nine years ago, they have employed various tactics to divert the attention of Yemenis from demanding their rights. One of the most effective ways they achieve this is through the manipulation of education and salaries. By keeping the education system in shambles and neglecting the payment of salaries, they ensure that the Yemeni people remain preoccupied with their basic survival needs, rather than focusing on their rights and demanding change.

The Houthi militias understand that an educated and financially stable population poses a threat to their agenda.

 Education empowers individuals, enabling them to think critically and question the status quo. By deliberately undermining the education system, the militias ensure that Yemenis are deprived of the knowledge and skills necessary to challenge their rule. Furthermore, by withholding salaries, they create a sense of desperation and dependency among the population, making them more susceptible to manipulation and control.

The policy of starvation is another tool employed by the Houthi militias to subjugate the Yemeni people. By deliberately causing food shortages and blocking humanitarian aid, they create a state of desperation and helplessness. When people are hungry and struggling to feed their families, they are less likely to rise up against their oppressors. The militias exploit this vulnerability, using food as a weapon to maintain their grip on power.

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