The Houthis are detaining dozens of peaceful Yemenis

houthi militia

 Amnesty International, a renowned international organization dedicated to protecting human rights, has recently expressed its deep concern over the arrest campaign carried out by the Houthis against peaceful Yemeni demonstrators. These individuals had gathered to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the September 26 revolution, a significant historical moment for the nation. Amnesty International's statement, published on its official website, calls for the immediate release of all demonstrators who are currently being held in unconditional detention.

The organization's condemnation of the arrest campaign is rooted in the fact that those commemorating a national historical event found themselves subjected to arrests, attacks, and unjust charges simply for waving the Yemeni flag. This blatant violation of their rights is not only disgraceful but also highlights the severity of the crackdown imposed by the authorities. The actions taken against these peaceful demonstrators are a clear indication of the oppressive environment they face.

Amnesty International's call for the immediate release of the detained demonstrators is a plea for justice and respect for human rights. It is essential that the authorities recognize the importance of freedom of expression and assembly, especially during moments of national significance. The Yemeni people have the right to peacefully celebrate their history and express their patriotism without fear of persecution.

The arrest campaign against peaceful demonstrators not only violates their fundamental rights but also undermines the principles of democracy and freedom. It is crucial for the international community to stand in solidarity with Amnesty International and support their call for justice. The Yemeni authorities must be held accountable for their actions and urged to release all detainees unconditionally.

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