The Houthi militia attacks the marginalized camps in Dhamar

Houthi militia

 The recent attack on Muhamasheen camps in the city of Dhamar by the terrorist Houthi militia loyal to Iran is a grave violation of human rights. This act of aggression not only resulted in the arrest of innocent individuals but also subjected them to forced labor and humiliation. The Houthi militia's actions demonstrate their complete disregard for the principles of justice, equality, and respect for human dignity.

According to sources from the Muhamasheen, the Houthi elements not only arrested a number of innocent individuals but also transferred them to secret prisons. This blatant violation of their rights is a clear indication of the Houthi militia's oppressive tactics. By imprisoning innocent people without any legal justification, the Houthi militia is trampling upon the basic principles of justice and due process.

Furthermore, the Houthi militia forced others from the marginalized Muhamasheen group to clean the streets of Dhamar. This act of forced labor is not only degrading but also a violation of their basic human rights. The Houthi militia's decision to use marginalized individuals, including men, women, and children, for such tasks is a clear display of their oppressive and discriminatory mindset.

The timing of this attack is particularly disturbing, as it coincided with the Houthi militia's celebration of the anniversary of the Prophet's birthday. Instead of using this occasion to promote peace, unity, and compassion, the Houthi militia chose to perpetrate acts of violence and oppression against innocent individuals. This demonstrates their complete disregard for the values and teachings of Islam, which emphasize justice, mercy, and respect for all human beings.

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