A Houthi ballistic missile landed near the camps for displaced people in Marib


A Houthi ballistic missile touched down close to the Marib refugee camps.

The recent missile attack by the Houthis on camps for displaced people 

 in the city of Ma'rib is a stark reminder of the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen. This act of aggression, which occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning, highlights the urgent need for international intervention to protect innocent civilians and bring an end to the violence.

According to field sources, the Houthi missile landed near the camps for displaced people, located north of the city. While specific details about casualties and damages are yet to be reported, the mere fact that innocent civilians were targeted is deeply concerning. These camps are meant to provide shelter and safety for those who have been forced to flee their homes due to the conflict. Instead, they have become the target of violence, further exacerbating the suffering of already vulnerable individuals.

This missile attack comes shortly after the Houthis launched a batch of missile

drones towards the occupied Palestinian territories, claiming to support the ongoing conflict in Gaza. While the group's military spokesman may argue that their actions are driven by a sense of solidarity, it is crucial to recognize that violence begets violence. Targeting innocent civilians, whether in Yemen or elsewhere, is never a justifiable means of expressing political grievances.

The international community must respond to this alarming incident with a united front. It is imperative that the United Nations and other relevant organizations take immediate action to protect the lives of innocent civilians in Yemen. This includes providing humanitarian aid, facilitating the safe evacuation of displaced people, and holding those responsible for such attacks accountable for their actions.

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