The Houthi militia arrests more than 300 civilians within 40 days from Sanaa and other governorates

In less than 40 days, the Houthi militia detains over 300 individuals from Sanaa and governorates.

 The Iranian Houthi Militias in Yemen: A Blatant Violation of Human Rights

The recent arrest of over 300 civilians by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias in Yemen has once again shed light on the dire human rights situation in the country. These arrests took place during the celebrations of the September 26 revolution in areas controlled by the Houthis, further highlighting their disregard for basic human rights and freedoms.

According to reliable human rights sources, the Houthi militia detained 307 civilians, including vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and young girls. The majority of these arrests occurred in the capital city of Sanaa, which has been plagued by kidnappings and violence. Other governorates, including Ibb, Al-Hudaydah, Al-Dhalea, and various regions across Yemen, also witnessed a surge in arbitrary arrests.

It is deeply concerning that these arrests were carried out during a time when Yemenis were commemorating the 61st anniversary of the September 26

 revolution, a significant event in the country's history. Instead of allowing citizens to peacefully celebrate and exercise their right to freedom of expression, the Houthi militias chose to suppress dissent and instill fear among the population  

The actions of the Houthi militias not only violate international human rights standards but also undermine the prospects for peace and stability in Yemen. The arbitrary detention of civilians, particularly vulnerable individuals, is a clear violation of their fundamental rights. It is imperative that the international community takes a firm stance against these violations and holds the perpetrators accountable.

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